Registering Home Alarms

Most towns require homeowners to get permits for their alarm systems. Unfortunately, this is not a widely publicized fact and many homeowners learn the hard way. The City of Hartford, as an example, requires that alarms be registered annually. There is a $15 registration fee. The process is not difficult, homeowners simply need to fill out a one page form and mail it to the Department of Emergency Services & Telecommunications. All of the information

Who Pays a Buyer's Agent?

Before I officially start working with a Buyer I often meet with them for a no-obligation consultative session. It’s really a two way interview. They have an opportunity to pick my brain about the market, the buying process, and me- my work style, my philosophy about home buying, and my life outside of work. Similarly, I am asking them questions about their interests, their thoughts about buying, and what they’re looking for in a home

Greater Hartford February 2009 Real Estate Market Statistics

February just ended so it’s time for some more real estate statistics for the Greater Hartford area. As always, data comes from the CT Multiple Listing Service, is deemed reliable but not guaranteed, and is for single family homes only. My analysis follows after the chart… My observations… 1. Just like January, there were so few transactions in some of the towns that this data is not very statistically relevant, particularly the Median Sale Price

A Warm Welcome for Kyle

I’m very excited to announce that Kyle Bergquist has joined the Greater Hartford Real Estate Blog and my residential real estate practice on a full-time basis. As many of you know, Kyle is my husband and has been a regular contributor for quite some time. His bio has been available on the site for a while so I’m not going to rehash the gory details. I will say that he is a smart, creative and

Planning Ahead for Outdoor Projects

Although the frequent snow and ice storms may suggest otherwise, spring will be here soon enough and bring with it the outdoor construction and renovation season. Towns in the Greater Hartford area and the State of Connecticut have a number of ordinances in place that homeowners need to be aware of as they plan this year’s projects. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or planning to hire a crew, make sure that you comply with any