Domino Deals

When I was a kid, stacking dominoes was a favorite pastime for rainy days. Make intricate patterns, twists and turns, jumps. It was entertaining to see just how long you could make the chain and watch one knock down the next. These days I work with a different kind of domino; Domino Deals. That’s when there is one transaction that is dependent on another moving forward in order to happen. For example, a buyer wants

Real Estate Bargains: Common Myths

So you’re looking for a home and you want a real bargain? You’re not interested in a fair price, or even a good price, you’re talking about a real steal, right? Join the crowd – there are a lot buyers out there just like you. Unfortunately, bargain hunters have a number of misconceptions about the current real estate market. Today we’re going to examine a few of the surprisingly common myths. Myth #1: You can