A School in the West End: Community Meeting

Last night CREC presented their proposal to the public at the West End Civic Association general meeting. The event was standing room only, with well over 50 residents in attendance, and it was a lively affair. Among the attendees were the Mayor, three City Council members, and the Superintendent of Hartford Public Schools. After some initial West End announcements, CREC gave their presentation covering the school, the site, and reasons why they felt it was

Spewing Generalities: Is Your Realtor a Politician?

It’s the political season and we’re being inundated from all sides with debates, interviews, and commercials. The recurring theme that I see seems to be politicians speaking in generalities. When they’re asked a direct question about a plan they have to solve an issue, the response is usually some circuitous generalization. Here’s a spoof of what I’m talking about… UPDATE: Embedded video removed … see it here. I don’t understand why politicians cannot answer questions