Our kitchen remodel project starts in two weeks. That means it’s time to officially start decommissioning the existing kitchen and set up the temporary space which we’ll be using for the next two months while construction is underway.
At one point someone used the third floor of our West End house as a rentable apartment. Left over from those days is a full size sink, about 5 feet of counter space (2.5 feet on each side of the sink) and a few cabinets. We’ve since put in a dorm sized fridge where the apartment-sized stove used to be. The stove was taken to the curb because it didn’t work and we figured it was illegal. Someone else happily took it a few hours later. So now we’ll be working with this tiny fridge (with no freezer), a microwave, toaster, and 2-burner hot plate until April.
I’m not really sure how this is going to work out yet. I say this as I eat ice cream for breakfast in an effort to clean out our full sized refrigerator downstairs. Hey, at least it’s coffee flavored.
Yesterday we spent a good amount of time packing up the cabinets of the current kitchen. We tried to figure out what we need to use in our temporary kitchen and then pack the rest. Let’s just say there were power struggles.
I’m a big “random utensils” person. There is a crock that sits on our kitchen counter that is loaded with spatulas, wooden mixing spoons, whisks, meat tenderizers, and a variety other items. And there may be one or two other drawers dedicated to other types of these items. Yesterday Kyle told me to pick my three favorites. That’s what I’m allowed to use over the next 2 months. “Only three?!” I said. “Yes, only three, so be smart with your choices…” I could feel the snark. And his smirk didn’t help much either. I continued to pack while I rationalized which would be the most useful and 40 minutes later made my decision- a wooden spoon, a rubber mixing spatula, and a frying pan spatula. Everything else sadly went in a box and was taped shut. Good bye favorite whisk, I’ll see you when the flowers are blooming!
Ironically, Kyle-the-Tupperware-whore was then given a similar ultimatum and was allowed to select three pieces of plastic storage. Similar consternation was observed. So sad.
This morning the temporary kitchen was in use and the existing kitchen is just about packed. Our dining room is loaded with boxes and plastic tubs which hold its contents. Our dog is wandering around confused, wondering what’s going on. Her feeding station has not yet been moved, as her “temporary kitchen” hasn’t been identified yet.
The next few months will be interesting, to say the least. I’m expecting that there will be a lot of cereal consumed as meals, some snits regarding lack of refrigerator space, and maybe a takeout meal or two. We’ll let you know how things are going as they progress.
Here are the previous posts about our adventure:
Remodeling Our Kitchen
Budgeting for a Kitchen Remodel
Designing a Kitchen
Our Before Kitchen