Amy and Kyle Bergquist are very different than the typical agent.
They bring graduate level business educations (and other achievements) to an industry that requires only a 60 hour training course to get licensed by the State.
They also bring years of successful corporate experience and a professional mentality to a role that is often considered part-time or a hobby.
These important differences allow them to offer a higher level of service to clients.
First and foremost, you will work with Amy or Kyle directly. What good is hiring an experienced agent if they pawn you off to their junior assistant as soon as the ink is dry on the contract?
Amy and Kyle are a team, but in the sense of a partnership in which one helps the other when there are scheduling conflicts and emergencies. There are no assistant agents that show houses, or transaction coordinators to do paperwork, or other strategies to offload you to someone else. They are your primary point of contact for the entire transaction, and stay on top of all the details of your transaction. Amy and Kyle will be ready to personally answer any and all questions you have about buying and selling homes.
An interesting aspect of real estate is that every property, and every situation, is unique. Nobody knows where their real estate journey will lead. Having Amy and Kyle as your advisers gives you highly capable guides who will be able to navigate the surprises while focusing on minimizing your risk level.
Some of the ways they have gone above and beyond for clients include…
• Proposing significant repairs/updates to homes prior to listing to maximize value.
• Convincing municipalities to lower revaluation market values, and therefore property taxes.
• Correcting lot dimensions with municipalities to improve data quality.
• Updating living space square footage to increase marketability.
• Closing open permits with municipalities to overcome barriers to sales.
• Navigating boundary disputes that were both amicable and contentious to clear title issues.
• Coordinating with contractors to repair damaged homes to hold a deal timeline.
• Advocating for clients after other agents hurt them with inappropriate behavior.
• Managing the application process for municipal permits and variances.
Amy and Kyle don’t seek out clients with complicated situations, but they don’t shy away from them either. They are both highly capable professionals who will help you deal with whatever needs to be done to ensure the best outcome in your transaction.
All agents charge very similar fees.
Instead of hiring a basic agent, spend the same money hiring Amy and Kyle. Not only do you get two for the price of one, but you also get unusually capable and professional advisers who can confidently deal with situations that are outside the norm.