Walk to West Hartford Center

If you live in West Hartford, there are 5 little words that will add value to your property: “Walk to West Hartford Center.” Although now, it might be more like 9 little words: “Walk to West Hartford Center and Blue Back Square.” Usually both of those statements are followed by an exclaimation point, for emphasis. It just makes it so much more fabulous. *tongue in cheek humor here, folks*

As a real estate agent, it’s always nice if you can advertise a listing as Walk to Center (WtC). I’ve had discussions with agents as to what really constitutes WtC.

Sometimes it’s based on distance, say a .5 mile radius around the Center.

Sometimes it’s based on some dividing road, Park Road for example.

It usually is never based on the physical fitness level or size/age of individuals. Would a 4 year old think that Ballard Drive was WtC? Probably not. But a 25 year old might not object.

I will admit that I have sometimes abused the WtC phrase in my ads. It may have been more appropriate to say “Walk to Center! (if you have a half hour to spare…)” or “Walk to Center! (if you are a tri-athlete)”

The entire WtC thing has been getting ridiculous lately, so I’ve decided to lay out some ground rules for advertising going forward. Please see the maps below for how your I think your property should be advertised with respect to its distance to the Center…

Crawl to West Hartford Center!


Walk with Minimal to Medium Effort to West Hartford Center!


Backpack to West Hartford Center!


Hire a Sherpa to get to West Hartford Center!
