New construction homes are rare in Greater Hartford. During 2020 the SmartMLS only reported 253 closed sales for properties that were built in 2019 or later. This translated to about 2.5% of total deals. In 2019 (without the pandemic to interfere with construction) the count was 243 closed sales for properties that were built in 2018 or later, which was about 2.8% of the deals. The reality is that new construction is not common in
I saw a few interesting real estate articles recently that capture some of the trends in the California market. A company with locations in Los Angeles and San Francisco is renting out individual bunks in a home for $1,200 per month. You get a bed, and a shelf, and a wall mounted TV. There might also be a curtain built it. Guests are not allowed into the building – only residents. Google has partnered with
Our non-work adventures recently took us to Hershey, Pennsylvania for sightseeing. It turns out that the town was planned by the chocolate mogul himself to be a form of “company town” like he had seen in other parts of the world. His spin on the idea was to try to be nice to his workers by encouraging homeownership, selling homes at affordable prices, and providing easy payment plans to finance the purchases. He also encouraged
Fast Company published an exclusive about AirBnB at the end of November. The home sharing company proposed a new initiative called Backyard, which came from their division focused on the future. It is very ambitious, as it aims to rethink the entire process of designing, building, and updating homes. While the company’s move into the physical world of construction is the main headline, I’m more interested in one of the other details – that the
Once upon a time, the shopping mall was at the top of the retail food chain. The mall was home to the best stores, and the most excitement. Amy and I grew up in the mall era. Our small town (population ~25,000) had its own little mall that kids hung out in, but it was not comparable to the shopping destinations that are available in Greater Hartford. Both of our families made the hours-long drive