Late this summer Kyle and I started thinking about the possibility of remodeling our kitchen in 2010. It’s been on our list of “eventual to-dos” since we moved into our house about 6 years ago. That’s me to the left in 2004 when we were evaluating the house and figuring out if we wanted to buy it. Notice the skeptical look on my face regarding the kitchen…
We knew a kitchen remodel would be a fairly sizeable undertaking both budget and time-wise, so it’s taken us awhile to get there financially, mentally and emotionally. But we’ve realized that we aren’t going to be moving any time soon and that we might as well go ahead with the project so that we can actually benefit from it and enjoy it. We’ve been working with a contractor and designer during the last month and determined that the project will begin in January- after the holiday season and before we’re running at full steam with the crazy spring real estate market.
I know this is going to be a learning experience (it already has been, even at this early stage), so I figured that we would share our experiences as we go along. During the upcoming weeks I’ll be addressing these topics…
Budgeting for a remodel
Designing the layout- function, fit, and feasibility
What to do with your old kitchen stuff- reduce, reuse, recycle/donate
Doing a period appropriate remodel
Choosing appliances
Choosing finishes- countertop, knobs, lighting, cabinet color, wall color
Living through a remodel
If you see something obvious that I’ve left out or have other topics related to a remodel that you’d like addressed, just leave a comment here and I’ll try to cover it.