Kyle and I have a lot of fun as real estate agents. Meeting new and interesting people is a big part of it. And it’s also very rewarding to help buyers and sellers through a large and important transaction.
But real estate isn’t always as glamorous as it may seem. We not only have to find our clients, but we also have to demonstrate the expertise and provide the level of service that we advertise. Most agents work on their own. They have to follow the activity in the markets, keep track of numerous dates for each transaction, and make sure all their paperwork is in order. At the same time, they have to be available to show houses to buyers and market their listings. There’s a lot of grunt work involved to make the overall experience seem effortless.
We feel we have an advantage in working together, and think we’ve done a pretty good job building the operations of our business. However, it can always be better. This summer, Kyle and I are going to make a fresh start. We’re going to keep everything that is working well, and we’re going to improve everything else. Most of the changes will be behind-the-scenes, and not visible to our clients.
For example, one task is to make our home office workspace more efficient. Right now we’re a little cluttered with files and marketing materials that have built up over the years. Do we need folders for deals that closed three years ago next to our desk? No, they can move to the basement. Do we need 37 copies of a glossy marketing sheet from a sold listing? No, those can be recycled. What about all of these blank contracts and forms? Let’s go electronic and get rid of them all. We can get our workspace set up so that we have exactly what we need, and only what we need, close at hand. I know, yet another example of us being dorks. But the faster we can get our paperwork done, the more time we can spend with clients.
Another task is to take a close look at the expense side of the equation. Are we getting the support services we need for the best possible price? This leads to a change that will be visible to clients. As of today, July 1, we’ve switched to a different broker, RE/MAX Premier, REALTORS based in West Hartford Center. Because we think of ourselves as entrepreneurs, we end up doing a lot of things differently than other agents. We don’t rely on our broker in the same way that many agents do. RE/MAX is more supportive of the specific ways we run our business and a better fit for us.
Contrary to common perception, brokers work for agents, not the other way around. They provide office space in which we can work and hold meetings. They provide legal and business support so that we don’t have to launch and run our own company. They provide educational opportunities. They sometimes generate leads based on their brand. Some brokers offer more services than others. In all cases, the agents pay for these services.
By moving to a different broker, we’re getting only what we need and not paying for extras that we don’t use. We’ll still be providing the same level of service that we have since we started in the business. The change really doesn’t impact our buyer clients at all. And the only difference our seller clients will see is a different color sign in their front yard – our marketing program for listings does not change at all. It may seem like a big deal, but it’s really not.
The final phase of the Fresh Start is looking for new opportunities. As we go through the summer, we’re going to be searching for ways to work smarter and better. Are there new technologies or techniques to advertise our listings so that our seller clients get more offers and better offers? Are there different ways to communicate with our buyer clients so that they have a better understanding, and more confidence, in the search process? What can we do to improve this blog so that the general public understands more about the local residential real estate markets?
We’re going to wipe the slate clean and take a fresh look at how best to be a residential real estate agent in Greater Hartford. Every now and then it feels good to press the reset button.