Tonight Kyle was looking through the MLS and discovered that another agent is using one of our property photos for their listing. He knew this because it’s a rare listing photo that he took on his own. We hire professional photographers for all of our listings, but in this case it was a rainy day, so he had to retake the exterior photo of the condo building on a sunny day. This agent’s exterior picture
We’ve already taken a look back at how the real estate markets did in 2010, but there’s another review we can do that is just as exciting. How did the local agents do? And more importantly (to us), how did we do compared to everyone else? Before going any further, we have to define the ground rules. We like to keep it simple. We look at sold dollar volume in the Connecticut Multiple Listing Service
Kyle and I have a lot of fun as real estate agents. Meeting new and interesting people is a big part of it. And it’s also very rewarding to help buyers and sellers through a large and important transaction. But real estate isn’t always as glamorous as it may seem. We not only have to find our clients, but we also have to demonstrate the expertise and provide the level of service that we advertise.
A few weeks ago I went to an indescript little office building in West Hartford Center really early in the morning. My task was to sit in front of a computer for up to 3 hours and pass 2 multiple choice tests. The room was about 90 degrees so that sped me along a little bit. Forty seven minutes later I received the good news from the glowing screen “Congratulations. You have PASSED the Connecticut
Gallup recently released the 2008 results of their annual Honesty and Ethics of Professions poll. Real estate agents came out in the middle of the pack of the polled professions, with the majority of those polled indicating that they felt the real estate profession has average integrity. This year’s results are not substantially different for real estate agents than surveys of years past. I never used to think much about these polls when I worked