The Glastonbury Sign Disappearance

One of our yard signs disappeared from a listing in Glastonbury, so my daughter and I investigated.

What we’ve learned is that the Town of Glastonbury recently began enforcing a zoning regulation about where real estate signs may be placed on a property. They need to be set back one distance from the street when there is no sidewalk, and a different distance from the sidewalk.

The vast majority of Greater Hartford real estate agents do not install their own signs. A few local companies handle it for us. We provide the sign panels, which are stored in their warehouse. When we need a sign installed we submit our request and they install the post and panel a few days later.

Our seller client notified us right away when he noticed the sign was missing. It didn’t seem like a vandalism situation, so we called around to the sign companies to see if one of them had mistakenly removed it. None had, but one company tipped me off to the new zoning rule in Glastonbury.

We also learned that a lot of signs have been removed in Glastonbury. Other agents responded to a social media inquiry in a realtor group, but none of them had figured out who took their signs.

The good news is we now know what’s happening. The Town removes signs that are in the public right of way. We also know that the Town temporarily stores the signs at their facility on New London Turnpike near exit 10 off Route 2. However, they only keep them for a couple days before throwing them away.

Agents, call the Glastonbury Street Maintenance office at 860-652-7749 to see if they have any of your signs!