Calculating West Hartford Property Taxes for July 2022 to June 2023

2022-04-26 Calculating WH Property Taxes

West Hartford’s adopted budget for the fiscal year running from 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023 includes a phase-in of the recent property revaluation. The phase-in adds a degree of difficulty to calculating the property tax bill of each individual parcel. The State of Connecticut requires municipalities to do revaluations every 5 years. The goal is to ensure that property owners contribute to the expenses of the town proportionally based on the fair market value of their property.

Will West Hartford's Property Tax Phase-In End?

There have been rumblings around the West Hartford community recently that the 5-year phase-in for property taxes may be phased-out for the 2008-2009 budget year. Two weeks ago I called the town’s Assessor’s office about this, but they claimed they had no indication that the 5 year phase-in would end. Well, today the Hartford Courant published an article about the possibility that West Hartford would end the phase-in, accelerating the tax increase, which would presumably