Gather ’round everyone, it’s once again time to “Celebrate! West Hartford.”
This year’s festival marks the 25th anniversary of the event and will be held on June 11th and 12th, 2011 on the Town Hall property in the Center. It will have all the usual attractions, including craft booths, rides, food carts, petting zoo, booths for local businesses/organizations, and a trolley. Saturday’s musical entertainment looks to be high school jazz bands, while Sunday has a slate of 3 bands each playing a 2 hour set. Check out the complete schedule of events for more details.
If you can break away from the fun, we’ll be hosting two open houses on Sunday afternoon where we promise to NOT have live music. 83 Kenyon Street in Hartford, and 97 Lancaster Road in Glastonbury will both be open from 1:00 to 3:00.