There’s a Cracker on my Railing

It’s just sitting there, right outside the window and in a place where I can see it as I wash dishes. Since we don’t make a habit of leaving crackers around, it must have been one of the squirrels who put it there. There are a couple nests in nearby trees, and we have noticed that our rodent neighbors are getting rather plump and quite daring lately. You can see our grey trash barrel in the background. It has a hole chewed through the top to make access more convenient.

The other day a particularly surly squirrel sat squarely on the top of the lid as I approached, daring me to come closer. I dared. It retreated to the woodpile on the other side of the fence but refused to go any further. I felt forced to break out the big guns. I had no choice really, the varmit had disrespected me. The screaming and flailing 3 year old that I unleashed was very effective. The squirrel retreated to its tree … point Bergqui.

A Cracker on the Railing

One thought on “There’s a Cracker on my Railing

  1. The same thing happens at our house. We’ve found pizza, bones, nachos, donuts and dinner rolls in our mail box. The first time it happened, I got really mad thinking it was a prank by a neighborhood kid.

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