Reflecting on McMansions

Few words are spoken with as much disdain as ‘McMansion.’ I’ll admit to criticizing a property with the term on occasion, though I’m not one of those people who could wax poetic about the evils they represent. In fact, I recently discovered that I had trouble even defining the term while I was talking with a local builder/developer about a project in which he may participate. After mentioning the main value drivers in the finished

Bishops Corner Redevelopment Update

There have been rumors that portions of Bishops Corner will be redeveloped in the future, ala Blue Back Square. Tonight the Bishops Corner Neighborhood Group held an informational meeting to talk about potential redevelopment of another parcel in the area, 2558 Albany Avenue, seen below. Gregg Nanni, the General Manager of owner/developer Prospect Enterprises, gave a presentation about the proposed plan. As a little background, Prospect Enterprises also owns the adjacent property that houses Staples,

Mark Twain Holiday House Tour

Who can pass up twinkly lights and festive floral arrangements, housed at some of the most impressive architectural gems in Hartford? Not me, and hopefully not you. For 27 years, The Friends of the Mark Twain House & Museum have been organizing a holiday tour of beautiful homes in Hartford. This year the tour takes place on Sunday, December 2nd from 11:00am to 4:00pm. The cost is $30 per person if you purchase your tickets

House Styles

Often when I’m driving around looking at homes, I wonder “what’s that specific house style?” It’s easy to pick out the traditional colonial, tudor, raised ranch, etc., but what about a Federal vs. Georgian style colonial? Or a Queen Anne vs. Eastlake victorian? I sometimes have difficulties telling the differences with older homes. Well, no more. has a great picture dictionary that not only provides images, but describes distinguishing features that you can use

Asylum Hill Spring Walking Tour and Open House

If you love the historic architecture in Hartford, there is a great event for you to attend this weekend in the Asylum Hill district. The Hartford Preservation Alliance is hosting a guided walking tour through the Ashley Street historic neighborhood on Saturday May 19, starting at 12:00pm. On Sunday May 20, from 12:00pm-3:00pm, there will be an open house tour of vintage Victorian homes and gardens in the same area. You can also enjoy local