A View from the Field- Part 3

Trek #3 out to New Milford for appraisal class. At least I only paid $2.99 a gallon for gas this week. Today I learned about 2 of the 3 different approaches to appraise different types of properties; the Sales Comparison Approach and the Cost Approach. Next week we’ll learn about the third approach, the Income Approach. Really fascinating stuff to the lay person, I know. But now I know that if I want to appraise

A View from the Field- Part 1

Every Thursday this month I’m making the drive from Hartford to New Milford in order to take a 30 hour appraisal class. This class is just about the last piece of the puzzle in order for me to get my broker’s license in January. The final piece is the broker’s exam. (More on that in a future post.) While I’d prefer less of a commute, one of the benefits of taking a class so far