September Contracts: A Modest Fall

Single-family contracts continued the downward trend in September, falling to 497 for the month. Through nine months of 2011, we remain on pace to finish the year slightly ahead of 2010 but behind the 2009 total. There was a lot of interest in our markets at the beginning of September; it was a noticeable increase from the end of August and much of the summer. The rest of the month seemed pretty active too, so

Summer's Leftover Listings

A few of my buyers are complaining. They want to know why the houses we’re looking at are sad and why no new houses are coming on the market. Much of what’s available has been on the market for many weeks. We are in the doldrums of summer. People are away on vacation, many of the “fabulous” houses sold in the earlier spring and summer months, and sellers are now waiting until after Labor Day