I Love My Table

Buyers have different “deal breakers” when it comes to searching for the right house. Sometimes they must have a garage. Sometimes they need a fourth bedroom. Sometimes the yard has to be a certain size. And sometimes they just need to find a dining room large enough to hold their dining room table and 10 chairs. The last “deal breaker” might seem like a unique one, but it’s really not uncommon for buyers to pass

Pop Quiz! Who Decides Where You Live?

Who decides where you live? A. Your real estate agent B. Your parents or some other relative C. Your friends D. Your co-workers E. You The correct answer to this question is E- You, but sadly I see options A, B, C, and D occurring quite often. This really isn’t how it should be, but sometimes it’s the reality. Here’s how it happens… Your Real Estate Agent Your real estate agent should be a wealth

Independent Events in Real Estate

If there’s one mantra that you’ll hear from the real estate community, it’s that “Real Estate is local.” We don’t want you looking at what’s going on in California and Arizona and extrapolating that the same behavior is happening in your market. Because most likely, it’s not. Each market reacts differently based on the local economy, housing stock, demographics, and a host of other factors. Unfortunately, I believe there is another equally important phenomenon that

Financing Closing Costs

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a Realtor is being able to call a client and say, “Congratulations, your offer has been accepted – you got the house!” Amy made one of those calls just last night and, even though I was sitting a good four feet away from the phone, I could practically feel the buyer’s excitement. I couldn’t make out the words, but their volume and pitch increased significantly as they

You Might Not Feel Comfortable There…

I’m sorry if this post comes off as something of a rant, but I am a very “by the book” agent and things like what I’m about to describe make my blood boil. The Hartford Courant has a nice little blurb in every Sunday real estate section about “Moving In…” where they talk about people that recently purchased property in various towns in the Hartford area. This past weekend the “Moving In” article was about