My Thoughts on the 2009 Homebuyer Credit

This was quite a busy week with all of the news coming out of Washington. I finally have some time to sit down and write, so here are my thoughts on one of the recent happenings… I work with a lot of first time homebuyers, so the $8,000 credit was of particular interest to me. First time buyers (and those that don’t currently own who haven’t purchased a home in the past 3 years) will

Worky Work, Busy Bee!

In the last week, I’ve shown 28 houses to 7 different buyer clients. A couple of them have found the right home for them and we’re working on offers. One of them is in a multiple offer situation right now. Another agent in my office was involved in a different multiple offer situation yesterday. A couple of my sellers are working on offers too. Negotiations on both sides seem to be taking longer, but deals

"Sellers Are Motivated"

Sometimes I see these words written in the MLS listing for a property. Sometimes agents tell me this when I call to schedule showings or when I’m called to give showing feedback. “Sellers are motivated” gives me pause for a few reasons. First, and most importantly, if you’re the seller in this situation, I really hope you’ve given your agent written permission to say such things. If you have not given your agent written permission

I Love My Table

Buyers have different “deal breakers” when it comes to searching for the right house. Sometimes they must have a garage. Sometimes they need a fourth bedroom. Sometimes the yard has to be a certain size. And sometimes they just need to find a dining room large enough to hold their dining room table and 10 chairs. The last “deal breaker” might seem like a unique one, but it’s really not uncommon for buyers to pass

Pop Quiz! Who Decides Where You Live?

Who decides where you live? A. Your real estate agent B. Your parents or some other relative C. Your friends D. Your co-workers E. You The correct answer to this question is E- You, but sadly I see options A, B, C, and D occurring quite often. This really isn’t how it should be, but sometimes it’s the reality. Here’s how it happens… Your Real Estate Agent Your real estate agent should be a wealth