I’m ready to start gardening. Is it warm enough to plant peas yet? I know they are okay with the cold, but the very beginning of April may be too soon to plant. Especially since I’m planning to just put them in the ground rather than get them started inside. I don’t have any go-to gardening sites – does anyone have any that they like?
The next important question is where to put them. It seems to me there are two options, either the fenced area on the north where they risk being trampled by playing dogs and children, or the out-of-the-way southern portion of the yard where there’s a much better chance that I’ll forget to water them. Right now I’m leaning towards the south since “the girls” are a real menace.
I would love to put them right along the fence that separates the sidewalk from the yard, but the thought of dogs “watering” them makes me ill. Maybe I’ll put them up against the porch so that I can rain water down on them from above (i.e. without walking all the way around), and they can climb up the lattice. I guess the other option would be putting them in the middle of the yard with tomato cages or some other form of support. Hmmm.
I’m definitely open to thoughts and suggestions here … any ideas?
I’ve been going back and forth about this question myself. Curious to see if anyone has an answer.