Greater Hartford Real Estate Market Statistics- 2nd Quarter 2008

With the end of June came just about the end of the spring real estate market. So how did we do in the Greater Hartford area when comparing single family home sales in the second quarter of 2008 to the same time period in 2007? Take a look for yourself… All data came from the Multiple Listing Service for the time period of April through June (2007 and 2008) and is deemed reliable, but not

Q&A: Planning for a Purchase

Today we’re starting a new segment here on the Greater Hartford Real Estate Blog, Q&A.  Our first conversation is with our very own Kyle Bergquist, who is a financial advisor with Conifer Investments. Greater Hartford Real Estate Blog (GHREB): With prices either stable or falling, there seems to be a fair number of young professionals looking to buy their first home.  How would you recommend folks prepare for their purchase? Kyle Bergquist:  The single most

Closing Cost Considerations

No one really likes surprises. Particularly when they come up shortly before a scheduled closing. As a buyer, your mortgage banker will provide you with a Good Faith Estimate after you’ve submitted your mortgage application. The GFE will help you understand approximately how much money you’ll need to bring to the closing. The mortgage brokers my clients tend to use have typically been very accurate with their GFEs, which is a happy occassion for my

Farmington Valley Residential Year in Review

As a continuation from yesterday’s West Hartford 2007 residential real estate review, here is the data for the Farmington Valley. Again, all data is for single family homes only that were listed and transacted in the Multiple Listing Service. I’m also including the current inventory levels which indicate how the market is currently doing. Historically, 0-3 months of inventory is a seller’s market, 3-6 months of inventory is a neutral market, and 6+ months of

West Hartford Residential Year in Review

Everyone and their uncle seems to be offering their thoughts and predictions for the national housing market in 2008. Let’s take a look and see how West Hartford did when comparing 2006 to 2007. Because, as we all know, housing is local. This is not Phoenix or Vegas or Miami. All data was pulled from the Multiple Listing Service (insert the standard “deemed reliable but not guaranteed” disclaimer here…) and represents single family homes sales