Property Taxes in the City of Hartford

One of the most difficult conversations that I have as a real estate agent is explaining the property tax system in the City of Hartford. Most of the time the subject comes up as I’m touring around with a buyer and trying to cover various home buying subjects as we drive from one property to the next. My client will casually ask about taxes, expecting an answer along the lines of “They’re low/high compared to

West Hartford Revaluation 2011

It’s time for a property revaluation in West Hartford, something the state requires towns to do every five years. Revaluations can seem scary to homeowners, and are often associated with tax increases. Hopefully the discussion that follows will help prepare you for the process, so that you understand what is happening and how you may be impacted as a West Hartford homeowner. The Big Picture Connecticut towns generate a significant portion of their revenue from

Property Taxes and Revaluations

We’re sensing some confusion over the future direction of property taxes among some of our buyer clients and homeowner friends. We don’t know pretend to know exactly what will happen, but have a theory we thought we should share: You’ll notice that property values (assessments) do not figure into the property tax calculation. Even though your home, or the home you hope to buy, may have fallen in value since the last revaluation, you should

Who Pays the Most Taxes in Hartford County?

So who pays the most taxes in Greater Hartford? It’s not as easy to figure out as it might seem. All the talk of revaluations, budgets, and referendums got us thinking about how we could get at that question using the real estate data in the MLS. We decided to look at all the single family home sales in Hartford County that were input using the Grand List 2009 mill rates. The initial data set

A Preview of Hartford’s 2011 Revaluation

The 2011 City of Hartford property revaluation is just around the corner, and in fact, the team at the Assessor’s office has already gotten started. Homeowners are scheduled to receive a mailing in the next few months that will help the City collect data about our properties. After that, most of the work will be done internally until the new assessed values are distributed in November of 2011. Don’t be Afraid Many property owners hear