Yesterday was our first day out on the car shopping adventure. Kyle and I were both pleasantly surprised with the experience so far. Based on the initial research we did, we’ve decided there are 4 car makes that we find acceptable for our needs. So before we start price negotiations we’ll need to visit at least 4 dealerships. We went to Dealership #1 where we asked to test drive two cars. The salesperson was helpful
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So you’re looking for a home and you want a real bargain? You’re not interested in a fair price, or even a good price, you’re talking about a real steal, right? Join the crowd – there are a lot buyers out there just like you. Unfortunately, bargain hunters have a number of misconceptions about the current real estate market. Today we’re going to examine a few of the surprisingly common myths. Myth #1: You can
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Before I officially start working with a Buyer I often meet with them for a no-obligation consultative session. It’s really a two way interview. They have an opportunity to pick my brain about the market, the buying process, and me- my work style, my philosophy about home buying, and my life outside of work. Similarly, I am asking them questions about their interests, their thoughts about buying, and what they’re looking for in a home
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