Yesterday I received my first issue of Architectural Digest. Rob Lowe was peeking out over the other (junk) mail, inviting me into his newly designed home. And the cover noted that we would also be visiting a host of other well-known celebrities. Exciting! I had flipped through issues at the library before, but never truly read the magazine … what would I find inside? Before even reaching the table of contents, it was already clear
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Steve Jobs, Apple CEO and technology visionary, has a gift for designing things. People have been going bananas over Apple’s various portable devices for the past decade, and he is credited with many of their important design principles. Although gadgets are fun, we’re more about the real estate on this site. And this news piece definitely caught our attention – Steve Jobs is going to be building a new home! And the site plans are
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We see real estate stories about the smallest apartment, house, or whatever all the time. This one caught my eye because it shows an inspired use of a small space. Gary Chang, a Hong Kong designer, transformed his 360 sqft apartment into an incredibly functional space using rolling walls that appear to be inspired by the moveable stacks often seen at town records departments, and sometimes in libraries. It looks like he put everything that
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Josh Winkley, of Maple Tree Cabinetmakers, likes the challenge of designing for a space. And as previously noted, we are design challenged. So working with Josh was critical to the kitchen turning out as well as it did. From our point of view, the basic process was pretty painless. We told Josh the kinds of things we liked and disliked, and talked about some of our priorities and ideas for the space. He asked a
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Today I saw the best yard ever. Large, level, fenced and sunny, it had everything I look for in a yard. There were flower gardens and vegetable gardens. The patio had covered and open areas – both large enough for a table and chairs. And of course there was an area for the grill. I want that yard. This sort of thing has happened to me before. One of the interesting aspects of working in
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