October 2010 Market Statistics

Here’s a quick look at how the Hartford County real estate markets performed last month. Closings in October reflect deals negotiated during the summer and fall depending on the amount of time between the contract date and the closing date. The data comes from the Connecticut Multiple Listing Service (CTMLS), which is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Some Observations There was a wide range in the percent change in number of transactions for this October

What's Worse: Voting Polls or Open Houses?

I went to the polls today, just like thousands of other Connecticut residents. As I approached my voting location, the Hartford Seminary, there were a couple of people that descended on me. One wanted to hand me a pamphlet and talk to me about voting the Democratic ticket. Another wanted me to change my Democratic votes in some cases to the same candidate, but running on the Working Families party line. I understand the importance

Our Listing on the TODAY Show

Last week I received an unexpected phone call. A representative for Barbara Corcoran, the real estate contributor on NBC’s TODAY Show, said that they would like to feature one of our listings on this week’s Friday segment of “What You Can Get For…” They would be profiling the $400,000-$450,000 price range for homes around the country that they thought were an excellent value and wanted to include our listing at 210 Terry Road in Hartford.

Life Imitating Home Improvement TV?

I don’t watch that much TV, but find when I do that I gravitate towards HGTV. Apparently I really enjoy real estate because even in my down time I focus on work related shows. I like the creativity in the design programs but am more intrigued by the behaviors displayed on House Hunters or Property Virgins. I think it has to do with the fact that we help buyers in addition to sellers. I’m interested