Sledding Hills in Greater Hartford

I grew up in Vermont and, as kids, we took our winter storms seriously. I remember getting up at 5:00am on potential snow days, waiting by the radio, pleading with the announcer to please say my school’s name. Because I lived “in the city,” it didn’t happen all that often. We seemed to have snow removal down to a science. But on the rare occassion that the Snow Gods did defeat Rutland’s Public Works Department,

Responding to an Anonymous Comment

The first time anyone comments on my blog, it needs to be approved by me before it’s displayed on the post. This is mostly to keep rogue X-rated comments from showing up that were missed by my Akismet spam catcher. But sometimes real people, who refuse to give real names and contact information, make nasty comments on my blog, hoping they’ll get published. Sometimes I do publish them and respond. Sometimes I just spam them

Year in Review- Greater Hartford's 2008 Real Estate Market

I’m getting ready for a few monster, spectacular blog posting days of 2008 Greater Hartford real estate market statistics, which will be up shortly after the New Year. I’d like your input so I can make sure I’m meeting reader needs. Please feel free to post comments of specific towns you’d like to see, specific stats you’d like to see (graphs, charts, etc.) and I’ll try to honor your requests. C’mon, test my Excel skillz…

Preparing for Your 2009 Real Estate Transaction

I know the spring real estate market seems a world away for many in Connecticut and the Greater Hartford region. But I just finished up my business plan for 2009 and thought it might be helpful to provide some tips for Buyers and Sellers that are planning a real estate transaction in upcoming year. It never hurts to get an early start and planning ahead will typically put you in a better position, no matter

Negotiating Your Relocation Package- Buy Side

Last week I wrote about various benefits you may get in a corporate relocation package when you need to sell a house. Today we’ll cover benefits you may receive if you’re buying a home in your new location. In all cases, you’ll work with a real estate agent to find your new home. If you know of a specific agent that you’d like to work with, tell your relocation company that agent’s name and their