Negative Feedback Loop – Mortgages vs Investments

The financial markets are in a difficult place right now, and the Federal government is working on a plan to intervene and hopefully stop the bleeding. Rather than trying to figure out who’s to blame, or speculating on what might happen next, I’d like to try to illustrate the negative feedback loop currently in place. Some observations: 1. Mortgage-backed securities are valued using computer models with numerous assumptions. The historical data used to generate the

Who's Working for You?

You’re driving down the street and you pass a nice looking house with a For Sale posted in the yard. You’re not working with a real estate agent and you want some more information about the house, so you call the number on the For Sale sign. You’re either connected with the agent actually listing the house or the real estate office where they work. At this point, the person on the other end of

Blackberry Agent

This is my lifeline to the universe known as real estate. I spend a lot of time with my phone. It lets me talk to current clients, potential clients, and annoying telemarketers. I also text quite a bit and read and send email from my phone. And surf the web. I can even look up MLS listings on my phone while I’m out with clients or just driving around. Well, I don’t drive and use

Hartford Multi-Family Opportunities

I was just messing around with some data in the Multiple Listing Service. If you’re a real estate investor, toying with the idea of becoming a real estate investor, or a home buyer that would consider purchasing and living in a multi-family- you should take a very strong look at Hartford right now. Year-to-date, multi-family homes sales are down 24% in Hartford, compared to the same timeframe in 2007. The median price for multi-families in

Staying Put

I make my living by helping people move. But at times, I have to advise them that it may make more sense to just stay put. Here’s a recent example… A few weeks ago, I met a nice, older couple at an open house. They have been thinking about moving from their house to a condo. Right now they have one floor living, a garage, and central air. They have around 1,100 square feet and