After the Home Buyer Tax Credit

As of the first of May, the Federal Home Buyer Tax Credit is no longer part of the American residential real estate landscape. The incentive took various forms since it first went into effect in April of 2008, offering cash to both first-time buyers and existing home owners. Looking back, two questions immediately come to mind. How did the credit impact the markets over the past few years? And how will the credit continue to

Real Estate Bargains: Getting the Best Buy Possible

Yesterday we highlighted four common myths that sometimes lead buyers to believe they’re getting a better deal than they really are. Today we’re sharing some thoughts about finding true real estate bargains. Let’s just get this first point out of the way early. If you’re looking for a ridiculous value – a complete steal – then a real estate agent probably isn’t going to find it for you. You need to start pounding the pavement

Real Estate Bargains: Common Myths

So you’re looking for a home and you want a real bargain? You’re not interested in a fair price, or even a good price, you’re talking about a real steal, right? Join the crowd – there are a lot buyers out there just like you. Unfortunately, bargain hunters have a number of misconceptions about the current real estate market. Today we’re going to examine a few of the surprisingly common myths. Myth #1: You can

All Roads Lead to Hartford – Considering the Commute

In this area, all roads lead to Hartford. Literally, the roads all converge on the capital city. Interstate highways, state highways, and even smaller arteries spread out from Hartford like the spokes of a wheel. It’s very important that home buyers understand this fact during their home search. Where are the towns or neighborhoods they’re interested in compared to their jobs? Are they comfortable making the drive every day? Everyone has different views on how

Happy Anniversary 180 Oxford!

Six years ago today we bought our house. That’s me when we first found the house. I was pretty excited because we had been looking at disaster houses for a few days and this was the first place we came across that didn’t completely and totally suck. Ah, fond memories! This morning I asked Kyle to reflect on his feelings about our home. He said “The house has really shaped up nicely over the past