Time to Turn off the Water Outside

We’ve had some frost. And we’ve had a dusting of snow. Although it’s not bone-chilling cold, most of us won’t be using the outside water spigots again until spring. Here at the Bergquist house that means it’s time to shut off the water. Water spigots are at risk of freeze damage over the winter because water sits in the pipes outside the main walls of the house. Even though the house itself probably does protect

A New Home for Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, Apple CEO and technology visionary, has a gift for designing things. People have been going bananas over Apple’s various portable devices for the past decade, and he is credited with many of their important design principles. Although gadgets are fun, we’re more about the real estate on this site. And this news piece definitely caught our attention – Steve Jobs is going to be building a new home! And the site plans are

Buyers: Don't Forget to Have Fun

Buyer’s Week has been an exciting ride here at the Greater Hartford Real Estate Blog. We covered the current opportunity, the importance of talking to a mortgage professional, the benefits of trading up in a down market, and buying when you also have a house to sell. Fond memories… Buying a home is a process punctuated by events. We think that buyers should understand what they are getting into at the start, and hope that

HCPR: Year End 2009 Analysis

On Monday we highlighted the key data from the Year End 2009 Hartford County Property Report. The data definitely tells a story – sales in the fourth quarter are dramatically higher than last year – but there are other factors that are also important. The complete report, with statistics and charts for all the towns in the county, is available here. Overall Environment The housing market is influenced by the state of the local economy

Please Turn on Your Heat

I’m cheap. I don’t like turning the heat on any sooner than necessary. But it’s already cold out. Showing houses that don’t have the heat turned on is no fun. Particularly if we’ve just gotten out of a nice warm car with seat heaters. Buyers typically won’t stay long in a house if they’re cold. It’s not very welcoming. The longer you can get someone to stay in your home, the better chance you have